QuOtE oF tHe DaY

QuOtE oF tHe DaY
QuOtE oF tHe DaY:

The Best Way To

Succeed In Life

Is To Act On The

Advice We

Give To Others.

Jun, 10 2010     113 chars (1 sms)     1968 views       Quatations

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The purpose of life is to listen - to yourself, to your neighbor, to your world and to God and, when the time comes, to respond in as helpful a way as you can find... from within and without.

Fred ''McFeely'' Rogers
Discovery consist of seeing what every one has seen, and

thinking what nobody had thought
"Beauty in things exist in the mind which contemplates them."
-David Hume (1711-1776)
The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds;

And the pessimist fears this is true.
Beautiful Quote By
Shakespeare ...

"L O V E" All

"T R U S T" A Few

DO " W R O N G" To
None ... (:
When I do good, I fell good
When I do bad, I feel bad and that's my religion
"a means to an end.
It is both the means and the end."
-Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)
"Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go,
and it makes the end so easy."
-Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.” - Buddha
Even my child too started 2
walk without any support.
but my wife still feels
2 hold my hand while walking..... :)
Every great man was once a crying baby

Every great building was once a drawing on a map.

Its not important what you are today, but the important thing is what you are going to be tomorrow :)
"To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle,
Every cubic inch of space is a miracle."
-Walt Whitman (1819-1892)