It is better to be

It is better to be
"It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life."
-"Sister" Elizabeth Kenny (1886-1952)

Jun, 10 2010     105 chars (1 sms)     2088 views       Quatations

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"My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky."
-William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
Happiness always lukz small
when we hold it in our hands,
but when we learn to share it..
we realize how big & precious it is..!!
Question :-

Koi b function ho ya daily ki routine ho girls aik sath aik room main dress change kr leti hain..


Boys aik dosre k samne dress kabi change nai krte..


Kia koi is ka answer de sakta hai...??

Forward to get interting ans But reply me first ;->
I Believe That
If You Show People
The Problems
You Show Them The
They Will Be Moved
To Act ...

Every Time i Try To Walk Away,

There''s Always Something that Remind me

i Should Stay
Whenever I have knocked, a door has opened. Wherever I have wandered, a path has appeared. I have been helped, supported, encouraged and nurtured by people of all races, creeds, colors and dreams.
"The superior reasoning power...revealed in the
incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."
-Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, you shud probably water yours.
sweetest part in lyf is 2 carry all da memories in lyf
but da tuffest part is 2 say gud bye 2 dat person whu is behind
all dose memories.....
"Woman will always be dependant until she holds a purse of her own."
-Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902)
"A faithful friend is the medicine of life."
-The Apocrypha, 6:16

'Insan khud qabil-e-aithibar nahi hota, bal k uska kirdar aur uski sachai usay qabil-e-aithibar banati hay (Hazrat Ali A.S.)'