The difference between

The difference between
The difference between crush and love:
When you like a person and you know why you like the person, it’s a Crush.
But when you like a person and don’t know why you like the person, its Love.

Jun, 12 2010     192 chars (2 sms)     2019 views       Love

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True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself.
It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen
with white hairs and is always young in the heart....
immature love says :

i love u coz i need u

mature love says:

i need u coz i love u
LiVe Fe D PeRsOn WhU CaN DiE Fe Yu..
sMiLe Fe D pErSoN wHu cAn CrY Fe Yu..
FiGhT Fe D PeRsOn WhU CaN pRoTecT Yu..
LoVe D pErSoN wHu CaN LoVe Yu MoRe ThAn Yu Do Fe YuRsElF!!..
It''s not that we fall in love with people because they are immensely attractive.

It''s that they seem immensely attractive because we''ve fallen in love with them.
As I feel the tear go down my cheek,
I notice that my heart is weak,
For the love I have for you,
Will always be gold and true,
I have made some mistakes, they rest in the past,
But know my love will always last,
Even though we are a distance apart,
You always have the key to my heart.
The difference between crush and love:
When you like a person and you know why you like the person, it’s a Crush.
But when you like a person and don’t know why you like the person, its Love.
You are amazingly amazing,
beautifully beautiful,
and heavenly heavensent
while being imperfectly perfect.
You are the one for me..!!
Don"t find love,
let love find you.
That"s why it"scalled falling in love,
because you don"t force yourself to fall, you just fall.
When I Look In To Mirror

I See My Half View

Because You Are Not There ...
Faith makes all things possible. Hope makes all things work. Love makes all things beautiful. I Love You my only love.
Silly Mistakes done by a unliked
person will be like a crime.
A crime done by a favorite
person are taken silly."
There are a lot of birds wispering only about you,
you should once listen to them,
then you would know how much I love you.